Green hydrogen is produced via water electrolysis, in which an electrical current from a renewable source is passed through the water. The energy used comes from solar, wind or hydroelectricity. This type of hydrogen is known as "green" because it is decarbonised, and no CO2 is emitted during its production.
What is the future of green H2?
Numerous low-carbon hydrogen production projects are currently in development to quickly boost its role in the energy mix in the short term. The IEA estimates that all projects currently under way could lead to annual production volumes of 0.6 Mt of hydrogen in 2021, rising to 24 Mt by 2030.
In France, France Hydrogène estimates that decarbonised hydrogen will increase from 5% of the mix in 2022 to 52% by 2030, or 700,000 T of decarbonised H2 for industry and new applications, resulting in a 6,000,000 T cut in annual CO2 emissions and the creation of more than 100,000 jobs1.
The French government has stated its aim to "make France the leader in decarbonised hydrogen". Under the France 2030 plan, France is set to invest 9 billion euros in the development of this low-carbon hydrogen. The plan involves the creation of a competitive sector, R&D labs, industrial entities, and an objective to become the leader in electrolysis.
To find out more about plans to contribute to hydrogen mobility