HRS14 station

Hydrogen refueling station for a food logistics center in Spain

HRS equips a Spanish logistics site by providing a hydrogen refueling station as part of its partnership with Plug Power.


Background to the project

The American company Plug Power, a leader in the field of hydrogen fuel cells, trusts HRS to supply a hydrogen station to refuel a fleet of forklifts on a site specializing in the food supply chain.

This major player in logistics in Europe has on site a fleet of 85 fuel cell forklifts (24/24h - 6/7d) powered by green hydrogen produced on site by an electrolyser powered by a rooftop photovoltaic plant.

Solution provided by HRS

At the end of 2023, HRS installed a customed H2 station on this site in Spain to refuel the logistician's fleet of forklifts.

Flexibility of HRS’ solutions

The HRS’ modular solution has been adapted to the installation constraints of the customer’s site. The compression, storage and refrigeration unit modules have been installed at a height.

Plug Power and HRS: a partnership deployed in 3 countries

This station is part of the HRS-Plug Power partnership for which 5 other stations have been deployed:

Station installed for Plug Power

HRS14 station

Versatile, flexible and with proven reliability, the HRS14 station is the best-selling station in our range. This dual-pressure station is compatible with a wide range of applications.

Our most recent realisations